Currently under development the Carno III site will be located predominantly on forestry land to the west of the existing turbines. The site was granted full planning permission in 2017 for 13 wind turbines with an installed capacity up to 50MW.
In 2022 Powys County Council approved a variation to the original planning permission allowing the development to use larger turbines up to a maximum height of 149.9m to blade tip. The changes will allow larger and more efficient turbines to be built at the site to maximise the windfarms efficiency.
The development is currently at the design and pre construction stage with the view of commencing construction works on the ground in 2026. The site has a grid connection offer with SP Manweb to connect the Carno III turbines to the local 132kV grid substation at Carno. To accommodate the additional power from the windfarm some further upstream reinforcement works will be required to the existing SP Manweb 132kV network between Newtown and Welshpool.
A new package of community benefit measures totalling in excess of £100,000 per annum will be made available once the Carno III turbines become operational. Additionally, the development will support an extensive Habitat Management program in the vicinity of the turbines including the restoration of over 250 acres of peat bog and improvements to public rights of way.
The project is being developed by Amegni, a local company from Carno and the operators of Carno II. Once operational Carno III will be one of the first subsidy free windfarms in Wales.
Prior to the commencement of any construction works Amegni will reach out to affected communities to keep them updated of the proposed construction program.